Connect with your Child's Teachers, Friends, Parents of their Friends...
An independent school with a tradition of academic excellence and an outdoor focus
located in Huntsville, Ontario - 705.789.5890


Connect with your Child's Teachers, Friends, Parents of their Friends...
Connect at TawingoAt Tawingo College we believe that truly knowing your child means that you need to understand who their friends are, what's happening in their day, what their teachers think are their strengths and weaknesses, the other influences they have in their lives... Tawingo College is a community that will allow you to connect with your child (or children) on all of these important levels. A shrug from your child when you ask about his/her day won't be your only source of information.

Connect with the Principal
Tia Pearse, the principal of Tawingo College, is in the parking lot every single morning at drop off time. She is there to welcome the students to school and to talk to the parents. She is happy to answer questions or listen to any concerns you may have. She is also excellent at giving sage advice based on her years of experience as an educator and parent.

Connect with the Teachers
Tawingo FriendsEach afternoon the teachers will be at the pick-up area. It is an ideal environment for the students to run around and play while the parents have conversatins with the teachers. Regular conversations with your child's teacher, and not just when there is a learning or behavioural concern, will give you real insight into your child's day-to-day life at school. In getting to know the teacher and having the teacher know you and your family - the nurturing and education of your child will become a genuine team effort. If the teacher ever has any concerns about your child - you'll hear about it long before it becomes a crisis. At Tawingo College report cards never contain any surprises - it's just a written summary of an on-going dialogue you will be having with your child's teacher.

Connect with Your Child's Friends & their Parents
The community aspect of Tawingo College means that you will get to know your children's friends very well. Pick-up time has a relaxed social feel where you will see students playing together. This time provides an opportunity for casual chats with other parents. Throughout the year there are many events that the parents (and grandparents and other relatives) are invited to. There are hikes and other outdoor activities, sit down luncheons, and school concerts and assemblies. Frequently Tawingo College families become close friends with each other and help each other out with carpooling etc...

FriendsConnect with the Class
Tawingo College welcomes volunteers into the classrooms, drama program, extracurricular activities and field trips. This is a great way to see your child thriving and interacting in their learning environment. It also provides additional opportunities to get to know their friends and get first hand insight into what's popular in their unique social strata.