The Tawingo College faculty are a dedicated group of certified teachers with extensive qualifications, impressive talents, and varied interests. We have teachers who are highly educated, talented artists and musicians, committed coaches and athletes, adventurous world-travelers, and contributors to the community. They are all passionate about teaching and child-development. Our teachers love to laugh and look for the joy in every situation. A true love of learning and a natural curiosity are essential requirements in our teachers as is a love and respect for children.
Many of them have spent years at Camp Tawingo as campers, counsellors, directors, and leadership co-ordinators. Those experiences have been so meaningful to them that they have chosen to make their careers at Tawingo College. Several of the teachers now have families of their own and their children are students at the school.
The faculty is led by Principal, Tia Pearse. Tia Pearse and her husband, Mike, are the owners of Camp Tawingo, Tawingo College, and the Tawingo Outdoor Centre. Tia has her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Ontario and her Bachelor of Education from the University of Toronto. Before moving to Tawingo, Tia taught English and Social Studies at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School in London. While at Sir Wilfrid Laurier S.S. Tia was the staff advisor to the Student Parliament, the Choreographer of the school shows, and the coach of the Junior Boys Soccer and the Cheerleading team. Tia has always been and continues to be actively involved in musical theatre. She was a long-time Director/Choreographer for the Original Kids Theatre Company in London. Tia was the Drama teacher at Tawingo College from 2005-2106. As a Camp Director, she has both chaired and presented at Provincial conferences. Tia and Mikeès three sons spent their elementary school years at Tawingo College.
Each class at Tawingo College has a classroom teacher. In addition to the core subject, students in every grade get weekly classes in Music, Drama, Visual Art, Phys. Ed., Outdoor Ed., and French.Through these addiitional subjects and extra-curricular activities, all of the teachers get to know every student in the school. It is inevitable that every student will form a meaningful bond with all of the teachers at the school.