The Perks & Extras at Tawingo College
An independent school with a tradition of academic excellence and an outdoor focus
located in Huntsville, Ontario - 705.789.5890


The Perks & Extras at Tawingo College
Tawingo College offers our families several conveniences that ultimately give you more time to spend with your family and make your life less hectic.

Tawingo CollegeImagine getting up in the morning and just sitting down at the breakfast table without having to rush around worrying about packing lunches and snacks. Imagine not having to struggle coming up with imaginative, nutritious ideas for those lunches...

All snacks and lunches are provided by Tawingo College as part of your tuition.

At Tawingo College we provide a hot, nutritious lunch in our dining hall. We also provide daily snacks at the school. We guarantee a nut free environment and can accommodate a vegetarian diet and other dietary concerns.

School Hours Extend the Full Working Day
As of Fall 2010 we can offer extended care for your child so that both parents can work full time without having to arange any additional childcare or carpools.
  • Morning Drop off: 8:30 am
  • School Ends: 4pm
  • After school care available until 5pm

We understand that time is often a premium and that it can be very stressful getting to pick-up on time on some days. The Tawingo College community offers a culture of flexibility and support. Carpools naturally evolve as families get to know each other. Parents often cover for other parents when someone has to be late. The social aspect of the parking lot, where the teachers are available to chat to parents, make it okay to be a few minutes late every once in a while without it being a big deal.

The Uniform
Tawingo CollegeHaving a uniform actually creates a tremendous amount of freedom from morning stress. There will be no battles over fashion choices and even the youngest kindergarten students will find it easy to get dressed by themselves. Having all the students dressed in a similiar fashion creates a level playing field inside and outside the classroom.

At Tawingo College we have an everyday uniform and a formal uniform. The everyday uniform is any combination of grey or blue shorts, pants or skirts and white, blue or grey long or short sleeved shirts. We require that the shirts be collared and have an embroidered Tawingo crest on them. Our students wear their formal uniforms once a week and on special occasions. For boys they consist of grey dress pants, a white dress shirt, a tie and a blue cardigan. The girls have the option of wearing a dress, skirt or grey pants with the white shirt, tie and cardigan.

The Tawingo College Uniform Policy is designed with student success at the focus, both academic and social.

The Tawingo College uniform…
  • discourages peer pressure that may result from fashion trends;
  • allows students to focus on academic tasks;
  • creates community and helps promote a sense of belonging;
  • allows the students the freedom of movement required for outdoor education and recreation.

The Formal Uniform…
  • encourages students to feel pride in their school;
  • encourages students to be respectful and appreciative of the learning opportunites that are afforded them here at school;
  • teaches students about life situations which require formal attire and the skills needed to achieve this, like how to tie a tie;
  • promotes a sense of professionalism in both appearance and attitude;
  • identifies the students as ambassadors of Tawingo College when they travel to other places in the community;
  • when worn properly, looks good.