Miss Vanasse - Grade 7/8 Core, Grades 3-8 Music, K-Pal French
An independent school with a tradition of academic excellence and an outdoor focus
located in Huntsville, Ontario - 705.789.5890


Miss Vanasse - Grade 7/8 Core, Grades 3-8 Music, K-Pal French
· Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie/University of King’s College, Combined Honours in Theatre and English

· Bachelor of Education from Queen’s University, Intermediate/Senior Divisions, English and Drama (Artist in Community
Education Program

· Camp Tawingo experience— Day Camp Director, Outdoor Centre Staff, Counsellor

· Professionally trained as an actor (Dalhousie University Acting Program)

· Experience working as a professional stage actor (Vile Passeist Theatre, Atlantic Fringe—Halifax) and creative team
member (Assistant to the Director, Citadel Theatre—Edmonton)

· Standard First Aid with CPR C from the Canadian Red Cross

· Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross from the Lifesaving Society

· Skilled vocalist and guitarist. Beginner pianist, cellist, and banjo player

· This is Ms. V’s 1st year at Tawingo College